Christopher Woodrow is the CEO of MovieCoin, an innovative blockchain solution, creating a transparent, fair and accurate financing for motion pictures and television. 1) Please could you tell our readers a bit about yourself? Absolutely. My name is Christopher Woodrow and I’m a financer and film producer. Before founding MovieCoin, I was the Chairman and CEO […]

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Bitcoin introduced us to the world of blockchain and independent consensus models for decentralized economics. With the advent of decentralized economic ecosystems comes tremendous potential to democratize finance offering global access, transparency, and speed and efficiency for optimizing capital deployment, returns and opportunities. The key to connecting counterparties globally is in using blockchain for settling […]

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Igor Khmel is the CEO of BANKEX and one of the most established voices in the blockchain revolution. BANKEX is one of the first Fintech companies that bridge the gap between the emerging blockchain sector and traditional finance and has created a lot of waves in this industry. In this interview, Igor will be talking to […]

The post Interview with Igor Khmel, the CEO of BANKEX on Proof-of-Asset (PoA) and MovieCoin appeared first on TechBullion.

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  Allons-nous assister à une ruée vers la tokenisation de comptes de réseaux sociaux? Bankex mise sur un marché d’achat et vente de tokens adossés aux comptes Instagram de bloggers et stars du web.  Voici le premier compte instagram à être “tokenisé” : Le 6 février, BANKEX a lancé MediaToken service de tokenisation des comptes […]

L’article MediaToken: voici la première tokenisation d’un compte Instagram est apparu en premier sur Blockchain magazine.

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