Interview with James Fennell Tempelhof, COO of Bitnation on PAT Token Sale James Fennell Tempelhof is the COO of Bitnation, the world’s first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN). In this interview, James will be sharing the details of the Bitnation Project and the Opportunities of the ICO. 1) Could you ple…… Read More
A Review of BitNation World Citizenship Project and ICO Blockchain technology and the decentralization that comes with it has infiltrated many global systems that on normally operate a centralized manner. However, the government, which is probably the largest centralized system has not yet tasted the bliss …… Read More
How BitNation is Creating a World Citizenship with Blockchain Technology Decentralisation and the blockchain technology, in general, have created a lot of chatter in many parts of the world. Now we hear amazing things like peer-to-peer payment methods, self-owning cars, and so on. This has led to an increasing demand for th…… Read More