Advertising is one of the most basic things a company does for its development. With advertising, people find out about different products, their features, and the usability. Good public advertising is what a company needs to develop and prosper in the market. Advertising enables sellers for effectively competing against each other for the same products. […]

The post Trivver – The Next-Generation Extended Reality (XR) Advertising Platform appeared first on TechBullion.

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Blockchain is a unique and diversified technology with numerous applications. Blockchain technologies have been used as a solution for many problems in the real world. Since blockchain technology is being used to make life easier in any way possible, why shouldn’t there be a blockchain based protocol for Arts & Collectibles? The Current Market of […]

The post On Codex Protocol, you can use Cryptocurrency to buy unique assets like Art, Fine wines, Watches and more appeared first on TechBullion.

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It is often noticed that enterprise logistics in the supply chain are loaded with unreliable and large manual paper-based procedures. This results in a lack of transparency and non-appearance of secure and trusted information which leads to delays in cash flows and disputes regarding payments. Due to this, the shippers and transporters are affected globally. […]

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The Bright blockchain-based financial services marketplace is assisting small businesses where they need it most; credit and loans. In this interview, the CEO Pierre Proner will be talking to us about the Bright project and the opportunities it creates. 1) Please tell us your name and about yourself? I’m Pierre Proner, Co-Founder and CEO of Bright. My […]

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Remember the good old days when we had to go out of the house in order to buy anything? The internet had changed this entirely and made our lives a whole lot simpler. E-commerce websites allow us to buy almost anything we want, at a comparatively cheaper rate. This has been highly beneficial for all […]

The post Bezop blends ecommerce with the power of blockchain to help e-merchants build their own online store appeared first on TechBullion.

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Genesis Mining, the industry leader in crypto cloud mining, has announced that they are relaunching their popular Bitcoin cloud mining contracts. The contracts have proven exceedingly popular in the past, and Genesis’ significant stake within the cloud mining space virtually ensures this new round of contracts will garner strong demand, too. The company, founded in […]

The post Interested in Cloud Mining? Genesis Mining Just Relaunched Their Bitcoin Mining Contracts appeared first on TechBullion.

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Max Ward is the CEO of OEL Foundation, a non-profit organization providing governance and resources for the development of the Open Enterprise Logistics blockchain ecosystem. 1) Could you please tell us about yourself? I have spent over 13 years in Asia, most of that doing regional logistics sales for multi-national corporations such as DHL. I […]

The post Interview with Max Ward, Co-founder of OEL Foundation, an Open Enterprise Logistics blockchain ecosystem. appeared first on TechBullion.

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