Samsung gaat de blockchain gebruiken om vrachtkosten te reduceren Blockchainoplossingen zullen in de toekomst gigantische waarde creëren. Het bericht Samsung gaat de blockchain gebruiken om vrachtkosten te reduceren verscheen eerst op Bitcoin Magazine. … Read More
The Blockchain Technology and its Impact on Global Warming The Blockchain technology came without any warning, and while many are well-equipped with enough information on the technology, many others aren’t really informed on what it is and how it affects them directly or indirectly. And one thing many people a…… Read More
VIDEO-INTERVIEW Blockchainspecialist en trader Joël Happé (SEAL): “Bitcoin is in juni absoluut meer dan 10.000 dollar waard” De bitcoin is in juni “absoluut” meer dan 10.000 dollar waard. En eind 2018 is de waarde per stuk gestegen naar meer dan 30.000 dollar en misschien wel 40.000 dollar. Dat voorspelt blockchainspecialist en cryptovalutahandelaar Joël Happé tegenover Bitc…… Read More
[INTERVIEW] 20 Year Old Wall Street Rookie to Launch Hedge Fund John Iadeluca is the founder of Banz Capital, a Hedge fund, Offering high net worth investors exceptional risk-adjusted returns from a managed portfolio. John will share with us in this interview, the services Banz Capital will be providing and the opp…… Read More
Velix- A Global Platform For Frictionless Identity Verification The continuous rise in the popularity of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies over the past few years means that most individuals and corporate groups are beginning to integrate the technology into there daily operations. People are constantly co…… Read More
How TIM Helps You in Creating Fee-Free Sub-chains to be Your Personal Blockchain With the hope that intermediary based commercial or financial systems will be eliminated, the decentralized ledger technology known as blockchain has been adopted massively in many areas of the world. There are a number of utilities that have been test…… Read More
Bringing Cryptocurrency to the Banking World with Asseta. Commercial banks, investment companies, and other financial institutions; these were the only major ways transactions and exchanges of monetary value could be carried out, but things have changed! The blockchain technology has seen many industries evol…… Read More
Building a Value-Based Utility Ecosystem with Valorem. The truth is, the Blockchain technology was built as a peer-to-peer system that would eliminate the need for the involvement of third parties in any form of exchange or transaction, but now we see it being incorporated into many other sectors. Why? Bas…… Read More
Advertorial: Het op de blockchain gebaseerde onderzoeksplatform DentaVox wint aan momentum Het onlangs gelanceerde marktonderzoeksplatform DentaVox kent een indrukwekkende opleving en belooft zich daarmee te profileren als vertrouwde opiniebron voor de internationale tandheelkundige zorg. Het bericht Advertorial: Het op de blockchain gebasee…… Read More
Ook ruilbeurs OKEx kiest Malta als thuisbasis OKEx vertrekt uit Hong Kong. De cryptobeurs uit Hong Kong gaat zich vestigen in het zonnige Malta. De cryptobeurs volgt hiermee het voorbeeld van Binance dat al eerder besloot richting het zuiden van Europa te komen. Het bericht Ook ruilbeurs OKEx kie…… Read More