Banking Must Leverage Blockchain Or They Lose. Blockchain technology has emerged as one of the biggest disruptive technologies in terms of digital transaction management in the last decade. The applications of this breakout technology ranges from its use in industries like music, voting, banking, i…… Read More
How the TIM Blockchain is Functioning as an Enterprise Blockchain This topic is long overdue, but better late than never, right? Looking at it in a broader scope, the concept behind the blockchain technology is to create new processes and entities that carry out automation either in whole or in part. The TIM blockcha…… Read More
At Valorem, Value given should equal value received – Get 20% Discount on VLR Token The Valorem Foundation is an online financial infrastructure built on the blockchain technology to provide a platform for multi-party transactions across multiple industries in the global marketplace. The platform so created is not geographically bound…… Read More
Utemis ICO 2nd Period ends on April 30th, Join now to get 10% Bonus. Utemis is the first ever business to business e-commerce platform offering decentralization of businesses’ reputation in the South American continent. Simply put, Utemis as a platform, brings the whole of Latin America into one decentralized mark…… Read More
Video Alexi Lane, CEO van Everex Alexi Lane, CEO van Everex, legt uit wat het in Azië gevestigde Everex doet. Het bericht Video Alexi Lane, CEO van Everex verscheen eerst op Bitcoin Magazine. … Read More
La blockchain au service de la représentation et la transmission des titres financiers En autorisant le recours à la blockchain pour le transfert de propriété de titres financiers non cotés, la France pourrait devenir le premier pays européen à reconnaître à cette technologie des effets juridiques en matière de droit des titres. De nombreuses questions restent toutefois en suspens dans l’attente d’un décret à publier avant le […] L’article La blockchain au service de la représentation et la transmission des titres financiers est apparu en premier sur Blockchain magazine. … Read More
What is Asseta? Definition, History, and Beginners Guide. Asseta is a platform that brings banking up to speed with the requirements of the new generation. Based on the blockchain technology, Asseta is easy to implement, highly secure and ever reliable. By making use of the ubiquitous and ever-dynamic blockch…… Read More
What is Synthium Health? Definition, History and Beginners Guide. Synthium Health is a supply chain management platform that has been created to serve a major need in the healthcare industry. With Synthium Health, healthcare providers and suppliers are able to exchange valuable information and conduct business on an …… Read More
Crypto Inside de top 5 (#3): Cryptovalutamarkt zeer onzeker, nu instappen is voor waaghalzen en ‘believers’ Op de korte termijn is de cryptovalutamarkt erg onzeker. De koersen van de top 5 staan al een tijdje onder druk, een opwaartse trend is nog niet te bespeuren. Lees hier de Crypto Inside de top 5. Het bericht Crypto Inside de top 5 (#3): Cryptovalutama…… Read More
VIDEO Altcoin van de Week door Jan-Robert Schutte (CryptoAcademy): EOS Deze week is de Altcoin van de Week: EOS. Jan Robert Schutte van Crypto Academy verwacht een niveau van 9 dollar per stuk. De huidige koers is circa 6 dollar. Het bericht VIDEO Altcoin van de Week door Jan-Robert Schutte (CryptoAcademy): EOS verscheen…… Read More