Cryptovaluta wordt crypto-activa, internationale consensus nog niet bereikt Geen verbod crypto’s door G20, aanbevelingen door FATF tegen terrorismefinanciering en witwassen worden overgenomen. Het bericht Cryptovaluta wordt crypto-activa, internationale consensus nog niet bereikt verscheen eerst op Bitcoin Magazine. … Read More
Yoo-Mi PHA Brings Deep Psychology to the Blockchain to Incentivize You to Take Better Care Yourself Blockchain technology has been in existence for nearly ten years now. The technology has remained popular for a lot of reasons over the past years, but it only started emerging as a usable solution to healthcare issues recently. Startups are interested…… Read More
Interview with Dor Konforty, CEO and co-founder of Synereo on Wildspark Blockchain project Dor Konforty is the brain behind Wildspark, an innovative blockchain project that allows “you to share the content you like in a way that rewards both you and its creator using AMP, Synereo’s digital currency”. 1) Hi, briefly tell us…… Read More
Korea Telecom Announces Blockchain For Network Security South Korean telecom provider KT unveiled a new system based on a blockchain security-focused network. … Read More
Column cryptospecialist Pim Piepers: Blockchain voor de baas? Blockchain is zelf de baas Wil je een blockchain maken waar mensen keuzes in kunnen vast leggen, of wil je liever regels zonder menselijke eindverantwoordelijke? Cryptospecialist Pim Piepers geeft daar antwoord op in zijn gloednieuwe column. Het bericht Column cryptospecialist …… Read More
US Treasury Publishes 5 Tips For Blockchain Projects The US Treasury Department has just published five tips for building blockchain projects based on lessons learned during work on a proof-of-concept.… Read More
INTERVIEW Marleen Evertsz (CEO Nxchange): “We gaan gereguleerd ICO-tokens via crypto ruilbeurzen aanbieden” (+video!) Bitcoin Magazine Benelux sprak met Marleen Evertsz, CEO van de aandelenbeurs Nxchange. “We zullen een van de eersten zijn die gereguleerd ICO-tokens aan gaan bieden via crypto-exchanges” Het bericht INTERVIEW Marleen Evertsz (CEO Nxchange): “We g…… Read More
Dank Signals Offers Exception Cryptocurrency Trading Education Dank Signals is one of the major players in the cryptocurrency trading market with a unique platform and exceptional technical services, Dank Signals provides you with an exceptional offer and opportunity in cryptocurrency trading. In spite of all of …… Read More
Litepay voorlopig van de baan wegens creditcardmaatschappijen Litecoin’s Litepay zou op 26 februari live gaan. Het had het gat kunnen dichten tussen cryptovaluta’s en dagelijkse uitgaven in fiat geld, maar het mocht niet zo zijn. Het bericht Litepay voorlopig van de baan wegens creditcardmaatschappijen verscheen …… Read More
Who Are the Revolutionary Synthium Health Team Members? Times are changing and so is the digital world. Synthium Health is leading the world on a journey and this has been made possible by the awesome minds behind it. You definitely want to know about them, so here they are: The CEO, Vijay Reddy, has experi…… Read More