Softwareversie van Lightning-netwerk gaat live Een versie van het Lightning-netwerk, dat betalingen in bitcoin snel, goedkoop en schaalbaar moet maken, ging gisteren live. Onder meer Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey investeerde. Het bericht Softwareversie van Lightning-netwerk gaat live verscheen eerst op B…… Read More
Coinseed ICO: Breakthrough Crypto Investment App Launches Globally New York based fintech startup Coinseed, announced today that its app which lets users invest their spare change into crypto, launched globally today. Originally, Coinseed was founded when it became evident there was a huge audience interested in crypt…… Read More
Interview with Evgeny Ponomarev, co-founder, and CEO of Fluence. Fluence, a blockchain-based database provider, partners with Friend Software to bring secure data storage and app development to Blockchain. Fluence offers blockchain developers an alternative to traditional cloud service providers, ensuring no sensiti…… Read More
Decred Sets Its Sights on Decentralization in 2018 In 2015, Bitcoin developers Jake Yocom-Piatt and David Collins were getting frustrated with Bitcoin. The way they saw it, although Bitcoin started off as a decentralized system, over time, miners and a select group of developers had gained too much …… Read More
Ook Nederlandse tandheelkundige praktijken accepteren cryptomunt voor de tandheelkundige industrie (Advertorial) Vanaf deze week starten twee Nederlandse tandheelkundige klinieken, Clinident en Tridental Mouthware, met de implementatie van de Dentacoin tools en accepteren ze haar cryptomunt DCN als betaalmiddel. Het bericht Ook Nederlandse tandheelkundige praktij…… Read More
Google’s advertentieban op crypto’s zorgt voor FUD Terwijl Google’s advertentieban de cryptomarkt flink lager zet buigen overheden zich over de mogelijkheid tot het implementeren van wetgeving omtrent cryptovaluta’s en ICO’s. Het bericht Google’s advertentieban op crypto’s zorgt voor FUD verscheen eer…… Read More
How SmartRealty Is Revolutionizing The Real Estate Market Just like there was a time when the internet was not known, there was a time when cryptography was not known. Over the years, however, the concept of cryptography and cryptocurrency are being understood and are now being applied in a variety of areas. …… Read More
Interview with Alexey Scherbin, CEO of Safinus on SAF Token Sale. Alexey Scherbin is the CEO and co-founder of Safinus, a revolutionary platform for investments in cryptocurrencies and ICOs. 1) Briefly tell us about yourself? I’m an IT-Developer and entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience. I successfully founde…… Read More
Setcoin ICO is still on: The Cryptocurrency for Service Providers. The Setcoin Inserviss platform is a mobile and global service marketplace that bridges the gap between customers online and service providers like lawyers, nurses, doctors, teachers, and so on. This platform is creating a medium where service providers…… Read More
The Value-Based Utility Platform and Token : Valorem Token’ 40% Sale is Live!!! Incorporating real-world applications into its system of operation is a major factor that has helped the blockchain technology strive since its emergence. Now we see the technology being used for things asides just investments, which was what it was or…… Read More