Get A Wide Range Of Most Popular Trading Instruments, Chosen By The Trade Community There are a number of crypto trading websites available on the internet for users. From the simple that allows selling or buying of only a couple of cryptocurrencies to the full-fledged exchange with hundreds of trading pairs with historical data and c…… Read More
A Review of VanyWhere live skill-sharing platform and the ICO Vanywhere is a skill sharing platform built on the blockchain technology. The platform provides a decentralized skills marketplace that connects people with marketable skill sets to people in need of services that require those skills. Granted, there a…… Read More
Why DAC Blockchain Is Bigger Than the Beatles And Better For Music Streaming The 21st century and the advent of the internet have changed the music industry more than any technology since Edison’s wax record first imprinted “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Music has never been easier to create, distribute, or consume. This has created…… Read More
Onze gloednieuwe columnist weet een verband te leggen tussen bitcoin, Kenny Rogers, postzegelverzamelaars en eindbazen… Onze columnist Pim Piepers heeft een uitgesproken mening over van alles, maar vooral over de bitcoin en blockchain. En daar is hij ook retegoed in, vinden wij. Lees hier zijn stuk. Het bericht Onze gloednieuwe columnist weet een verband te leggen tuss…… Read More
Onbekende bitcoin miljonair geeft miljoenen weg Mysterieuze “Pine” doneerde al 86 miljoen dollar in bitcoin aan goede doelen. Het bericht Onbekende bitcoin miljonair geeft miljoenen weg verscheen eerst op Bitcoin Magazine. … Read More
ICO Reports – Valorem Foundation ICO is Still LIVE! – Get 50% Bonus Valorem is a blockchain-based decentralized platform that allows for multi-party transactions across multiple industries using any currency, whether fiat or cryptocurrency. The Valorem foundation intends to create a financial ecosystem with all the nec…… Read More
Andreas M. Antonopoulos geeft aan hoe ver het staat met het Lightning Network Schaalbaarheid is iets wat bitcoin parten speelt en het Lightning Network zou daar verandering in moeten gaan brengen. Het bericht Andreas M. Antonopoulos geeft aan hoe ver het staat met het Lightning Network verscheen eerst op Bitcoin Magazine. … Read More
What the Addition of Vinay Gupta means for ImpactPPA The world faces a lot of problems today. Naming them all would take a lot of time and space, but things like cancer, superbugs, climate change, limited access to clean water, limited access to reliable energy, and many other issues threaten societies a…… Read More
How Hicky Is Optimizing Relationships With Blockchain Cryptocurrency has had a steady foothold in mainstream media since the technology experienced something of a renaissance last year. As prices of certain tokens shot through the roof, investors flocked to the new technology. Cryptocurrencies overnight c…… Read More
De Soto Inc.: Where Eminent Domain Meets the Blockchain Just as a country’s borders drawn on a globe aren’t often exact, neither are the lines drawn on individual properties around much of the world. De Soto Inc., a socially-conscious joint venture between subsidiary Medici Ventures, Overst…… Read More