Cryptotrader Jan Robert Schutte van CryptoAcademy geeft elke week voor BitcoinMagazine een tip voor een Altcoin. Deze week: GUTS, eerder al te zien in de Wereld Draait Door.
Het bericht WEBINAR Altcoin van de Week van CryptoAcademy: GUTS (GET) versche…… Read More
Technology is fast progressing towards a time where all businesses will either be digitalized and conducted online. From online shopping sites like Amazon to online taxi services like Uber, it almost seems like every human need is a click away. One of …… Read More
De start-up Floss Bar werd opgericht door Eva Sadej, een voormalige hedge fund analist uit New York. “De blockchain gaat de tandsartszorg democratiseren, basis tandartszorg voor iedereen.”
Het bericht INTERVIEW 130 miljoen Amerikanen hebben geen toega…… Read More
Niet iedereen is overtuigd van beleggen in cryptomunten. Hoeft ook niet, zolang men maar gelooft in de achterliggende blockchaintechnologie, betoogt Wessel in zijn marktupdate.
Het bericht Wessel’s Marktupdate: Soms valt het cryptokwartje, vaker valt …… Read More
Understanding the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market is very important before you can invest in any Tokens. Know that you could lose all your money just as you can make over 1000% profit just as in Bitcoin. Don’t invest more than you ca…… Read More
The introduction of the blockchain technology has transformed the way the tech industry operates. Since the technology was introduced back in 2009, there has been a paradigm shift from privatized and isolated system of sharing information to a decentra…… Read More
Nowadays you can receive cryptocurrency for an active social life due to the new platform SELFLLERY. The platform provides opportunities that no social resource could provide before. It converts likes, participation in advertising campaigns, photograph…… Read More
The technology space has been blowing up with the rise of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. Different entrepreneurs that are aware of the crypto market have become Rockstars from gaining millions of dollars through Initial Coin Offerings (…… Read More
The technology space has been blowing up with the rise of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. Different entrepreneurs that are aware of the crypto market have become Rockstars from gaining millions of dollars through Initial Coin Offerings (…… Read More
The digital world came into play with the introduction of the blockchain technology, and while it was first meant solely for the exchange of cryptocurrencies, this innovative technology has found ways to infiltrate other sectors by having real-world ap…… Read More