The blockchain is basically a decentralized unchangeable database that includes records of every step of the transaction. Trading Blockchain technology provides a broad range of means to secure trading levels with its immutable concept. It also uses more advanced methods to verify users using fingerprints and document registration. Peer to peer nature of the blockchain […]

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Social networking has taken the world by storm ever since the launch of Facebook. In the beginning, there wasn’t much to hate about the social networking websites. Once the privacy barrier was breached by these websites, people have lost their trust in them. Another troubling thing is the fact that the social media websites make […]

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Crowdfunding has become a major source of raising capital for startups and other small to medium organizations in the last few years. Websites like Indigogo and Kickstarter have a significant user base that rely on collecting funds for their projects. Before the concept of crowdfunding came into existence, people and organizations would turn towards banks […]

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Dusk Foundation Launches the First Communication Network; The Dusk Network, a decentralized communication infrastructure that enables the secure transmission of data between peers using the platform’s privacy-based cryptocurrency. The Chairman, Emanuele Francioni will be discussing the Dusk project with us in this interview. 1) Please tell us your name and about yourself? My name is Emanuele […]

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The birthing of the decentralized blockchain systems creates a spark of positive change for businesses and corporate profit-making ventures. The relevance of the blockchain technology for effecting convenience for our everyday transactions, cannot be overemphasized. This is the reason why many business projects are continually moving the base from centralized networks to a more convenience […]

The post Ducatur MultiChain Oracles Framework: A simple solution to connect blockchain and business. appeared first on TechBullion.

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Blockchain technology’s biggest advantage, undoubtedly, is its decentralization. Without the need to rely on a single point of data storage, it not only ensures there are hundreds and thousands of backups, but since complex algorithms must be used to add data, the chances of manipulation are near to impossible since other unaffected ledger data will […]

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In a world where there is increasing demand for data by big corporations and companies who process it to fine tune their products and services, the invasion into personal space is at an all times high. The recent Facebook scandal and EU’s personal data protection law, the GDPR are direct results of data demand. Not […]

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Mark Lurie is the CEO of Codex, a decentralized registry for unique assets like art, fine wines, watches and more. Codex Protocol makes it possible for you to use cryptocurrency to buy $6 billion of art and collectibles today, and plug into a growing ecosystem of third-party services. 1) Could you please tell us about […]

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Blockchain has certainly changed how the world interacts at the digital level. Pioneered by Bitcoin and fundamentally changing our perception as to the limitless applications by the Ethereum platform, the vast usage of the technology keeps on surprising even the most supporters. Recently, a new platform, called the Codex has kicked off its ecosystem of […]

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