In a world where there is increasing demand for data by big corporations and companies who process it to fine tune their products and services, the invasion into personal space is at an all times high. The recent Facebook scandal and EU’s personal data protection law, the GDPR are direct results of data demand. Not […]

The post Axel: New Decentralized P2P Marketplace for Digital Contents appeared first on TechBullion.

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Cast your mind back 22 years to 1996. Even if you haven’t seen the movie Jerry Maguire, chances are you’re familiar with the catchphrase “Show me the money!” The sales process has come a long way since Cuba Gooding Jr. uttered that immortal line. Not only is it far more subtle, but it has also […]

The post Show me the video! Adding the personal touch to digital sales – By: Dana Poleg, Vice President of Marketing at Kaltura. appeared first on TechBullion.

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The Wall Street Journal does their daily media roundup with a touch of humour. CMO Today, their newsletter, consists of marketing, advertising, and industry news sprinkled with jokes and sarcastic quips. With little innovation happening in their industry, they must rely on jokes and humour to jazz up their news. There is only so much […]

The post Verasity: Merging the Interests of Digital Advertisers, Publishers and Viewers with Blockchain appeared first on TechBullion.

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