Miljardair Steven Cohen belegt in crypto hedgefonds Wederom groot geld dat de cryptomarkt betreedt. Miljardair Steven Cohen investeerde in een hedgefonds dat zich richt op cryptocurrencies en blockchain-gebaseerde bedrijven. Het bericht Miljardair Steven Cohen belegt in crypto hedgefonds verscheen eerst…… Read More
MediBloc Partners with PolicyPal Network for a Decentralized healthcare experience Knowledge is key to understanding. Taking it in context of medicine, a detailed record of patient health history can make all the difference in diagnosing the correct disease and avoid giving the wrong medication that can turn out to be fatal. A detailed medical record, containing all the issues the patient has faced during his […] The post MediBloc Partners with PolicyPal Network for a Decentralized healthcare experience appeared first on TechBullion. … Read More
Metaverse ETP sterkste stijger van de afgelopen week Metaverse ETP kent op dit moment een marktkapitalisatie van 52 miljoen dollar. De afgelopen zeven dagen steeg de munt het meest van alle cryptomunten, met liefst 100 procent. Het bericht Metaverse ETP sterkste stijger van de afgelopen week verscheen ee…… Read More
A $3.3 Billion Claim: Has Cardano’s Blockchain ‘Solved’ Proof-of-Stake? Charles Hoskinson explains cardano’s iterative approach to security, and how its interaction with academic gives it an advantage over other designs.… Read More
$3 Million Fund to Create 25 Marketplaces for Kik Messenger’s Token Kik CEO Ted Livingston created the kin token so people could easily buy and sell digital stuff online. Now he’s paying devs to make the stuff.… Read More
Opera-app integreert cryptowallet: met crypto afrekenen en surfen met ethereum-dapps De Opera-browser integreert een walletfunctie voor haar mobiele Android-app. Gebruikers kunnen cryptovaluta ontvangen, met de wallet afrekenen en op dapps surfen. Het bericht Opera-app integreert cryptowallet: met crypto afrekenen en surfen met ethere…… Read More
Columnist Luc Smits van Oyen (Coinmerce) over Plasma, Raiden, Sharding en Casper: zo kan ethereum tóch schaalbaar worden Cryptokitties deden het ethereum netwerk verstoppen. Wat gaat het grootste blockchainnetwerk redden? Columnist Luc Smits van Oyen legt de opties een voor een uit: Plasma, Raiden, Sharding en Casper. Het bericht Columnist Luc Smits van Oyen (Coinmerce)…… Read More
Augur Is Live: Decentralized Prediction Market Launches After 2-Year Beta A platform for creating decentralized prediction markets, which held one of the first-ever ICOs, has gone live. Finally.… Read More
Backing the Blockchain with Gold: Jinbi One of the common questions that gets asked when explaining cryptocurrencies to others who may not know much about the concept is the question of value. What makes a crypto worth “real” currency? The answer here can be fairly complex, but it usually boils down to its usefulness in the market that specific currency is […] The post Backing the Blockchain with Gold: Jinbi appeared first on TechBullion. … Read More
BitGo Adds 57 Ethereum Tokens In Largest-Ever Custody Service Expansion Bitcoin veterans are jumping into the token economy with new licenses and custody options. … Read More