In a world that is exceedingly connected online, shopping was one of the biggest things to happen on the internet. Gone were the days when one had to go to a mall or a shopping district to check out what was required. Window-shopping was extensively done to check out the multitude of products competing with […]

The post A Review of the Raincheck’s Decentralised Platform for e-Commerce appeared first on TechBullion.

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Hiring networks have always relied on connections to find qualified candidates or promising job openings, so it makes sense that one of the greatest human connection tools ever invented–the internet–profoundly changed how hiring works. Applicants and hirers have more access to information than ever before, and there are many different tools and networks available for […]

The post What is the Best Way to Find a Job Using the Internet? appeared first on TechBullion.

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Blockchain technology’s biggest advantage, undoubtedly, is its decentralization. Without the need to rely on a single point of data storage, it not only ensures there are hundreds and thousands of backups, but since complex algorithms must be used to add data, the chances of manipulation are near to impossible since other unaffected ledger data will […]

The post Fluence offers blockchain developers a secure and decentralized internet to stop the next data leak appeared first on TechBullion.

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Google is always updating its algorithm and adapting to trends. As consumers behaviors evolve, so do their search habits, causing Google to make hundreds of updates since back in 2000. While some of the updates have had little impact on SERPs and the way businesses bring in traffic and drive clicks, others have completely altered […]

The post Yes, Google’s SERP is Changing: Here’s How to Optimize Your Campaigns to Drive the Most Clicks appeared first on TechBullion.

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Just a couple of decades ago, writing a research paper required a trip to the library, where you had to carry every heavy encyclopedia available to a desk and write down as much information as possible before the library closed. These days, all kids ha…… Read More