Dit cryptofonds behaalde 6600% rendement in 2017. Een interview met Boudewijn Rooseboom (Cyber Capital): “Bitcoin cash vinden wij een interessantere belegging dan bitcoin” Een interview met Boudewijn Rooseboom, managing director bij beleggingsfonds Cyber Capital. “Snelheid en efficiëntie gaan het verschil maken en daarom vinden we bitcoin cash een interessantere belegging dan bitcoin.” Het bericht Dit cryptofonds behaal…… Read More
Interview with Atif Kamran, President and Founder of MyTravelBiz. Atif Kamran is President and Founder of MyTravelBiz (MTB), the first Direct Selling company built on blockchain. The company fuses blockchain technology with travel and Direct Selling on an innovative patent-pending platform offering the best travel de…… Read More
Interview with Derek Myers, CEO of Zero Carbon Project on Energis Token Sale. Derek Myers is the CEO of Zero Carbon Project. The company aims at creating a blockcahin powered market that beats renewable energy and fossil fuels on price, to help reduce carbon emissions faster, while rewarding the customers with their Energis toke…… Read More
Interview with Pavlo Sidelov, the CTO of SDK.Finance on API in Banking. In this interview, Pavlo Sidelov, the CTO of SDK.Finance will be glad to share his perspective on API progress in the banking industry, API potential for payments and many more. 1) Please tell us about your background I hold a master’s degree from Done…… Read More
VIDEO-INTERVIEW met Timothy Gick, ceo van Spotcoin Jan Robert Schutte van CryptoAcademy is present bij de Black Sea Blockchain Summit in Tiblisi, Georgië. Hij spreekt met Timothy Gick van Spotcoin, de organisator en hoofdsponsor van dit goedbezochte event. Het bericht VIDEO-INTERVIEW met Timothy Gick, …… Read More
Interview with the CEO of Robet on RAC Token Sale. EDOARDO NARDUZZI is the CEO and founder of Robet, a crypto sports betting and Crypto exchange platform. 1) Please, tell us about yourself? I’m a serial entrepreneur since 20 years in the tech business creating more than 2,000 jobs. I have funded or cof…… Read More
Interview with Martin Wos and Estefano Elhawary on Block Stocks Project and ICO. Block Stocks will be launching an ICO for a Blockchain based Token market. Before then, the founders; Martin and Estefano will be talking to us about the Block Stocks project in this interview; 1) Could you Introduce yourselves to our audience; your na…… Read More
Be Safe with HIGHIoT: An Interview with the CEO, Igor Rabinovich HighIoT Ltd was founded in November 2016 as a response to the DYN attack (one of the biggest DNS Service Providers in the world). HighIoT mission is to protect IoT device users because nothing is more important to HighIoT, than securing the personal da…… Read More
Interview with Richard Ettl, Co-Founder & CEO of Smart Containers on SMARC Token Sale The Logistics industry is Lucky to witness one of the greatest innovations in the industry; a Temperature sensitive logistics solution, built on blockchain technology by Smart Containers. Richard Ettl, Co-Founder & CEO of Smart Containers will be s…… Read More
Interview with Yoav Keren, the CEO of BrandShield on MyShield Anti-Scam Blockchain Platform Yoav Keren is the CEO of BrandShield. The company recently announced the launch of MyShield, an anti-scam platform built on the blockchain. The open-source platform is fighting online fraud and phishing in the crypto space and e-commerce in general thr…… Read More