Interview with James Fennell Tempelhof, COO of Bitnation on PAT Token Sale James Fennell Tempelhof is the COO of Bitnation, the world’s first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN). In this interview, James will be sharing the details of the Bitnation Project and the Opportunities of the ICO. 1) Could you ple…… Read More
Interview with Evgeny Ponomarev, co-founder, and CEO of Fluence. Fluence, a blockchain-based database provider, partners with Friend Software to bring secure data storage and app development to Blockchain. Fluence offers blockchain developers an alternative to traditional cloud service providers, ensuring no sensiti…… Read More
Interview with Alexey Scherbin, CEO of Safinus on SAF Token Sale. Alexey Scherbin is the CEO and co-founder of Safinus, a revolutionary platform for investments in cryptocurrencies and ICOs. 1) Briefly tell us about yourself? I’m an IT-Developer and entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience. I successfully founde…… Read More
Cryptotrader Martijn van der Tuin (27): “De prijs van bitcoin gaat niet lager dan 6.000 dollar” Interview met de 27-jarige cryptotrader Martijn van der Tuin die opvallend de altcoin Dragonchain tussen ethereum en bitcoin plaatst in zijn top 3. Het bericht Cryptotrader Martijn van der Tuin (27): “De prijs van bitcoin gaat niet lager dan 6.000 dol…… Read More
Interview with Kees de Vos, Founder of MobileBridge Momentum on MMMT Token Sale Kees de Vos is the CEO of MobileBridge Momentum, a blockchain and cryptocurrency innovation, helping companies see more result from their marketing by rewarding customers with the Momentum Token. 1) Could you please tell us about yourself? Hi, my name …… Read More
Interview with Andrew MacDonald, CEO of JoyToken on JOY Token Sale. Andrew MacDonald is the CEO of Joy Gaming Ltd. Andrew and his team are bringing into the market, the Joytoken project which aims to revolutionise the eGaming industry with Blockchain Technology. 1) Could you please tell us a bit about yourself? I’m And…… Read More
Interview Jeremias Grenzebach (Dentacoin): “Onze blockchain wordt het toekomstige besturingssysteem van de tandartsindustrie” Bitcoin Magazine heeft een exclusief interview met Jeremias Grenzebach (LinkedIn) van het blockchainbedrijf Dentacoin. Het bericht Interview Jeremias Grenzebach (Dentacoin): “Onze blockchain wordt het toekomstige besturingssysteem van de tandarts…… Read More