Modern computing power and graphics engines have opened the doors to a reality we once only saw in movies. Starting from very big, bulky headgear, we now have very efficient gears and other devices that take us away from our reality and immerse us in a synthetic one. At first, it was Virtual Reality, where […]

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Jude Regev is the CEO of Jointer. Jointer’s AI and blockchain technology underwrite and clear commercial real estate security tokens for instant trading, that allows property owners to issue legal ICOs free of charge.  1) Please tell us your name and about yourself? My name is Jude Regev, I’m a serial entrepreneur from Israel having […]

The post Interview with the CEO of Jointer, blockchain market for commercial real estate ICOs appeared first on TechBullion.

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Cryptocurrencies have really changed the way the financial world works. Traditionally, people would need to deposit cash in banks for safekeeping, or transferring it to other parties. Banks charge a certain amount for the transactions, as they are there to make money themselves. The processes of banks and financial institutions are based on procedures and […]

The post Quick And Safe Cryptocurrency Exchange And Investing Platform. appeared first on TechBullion.

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