Verasity: Merging the Interests of Digital Advertisers, Publishers and Viewers with Blockchain The Wall Street Journal does their daily media roundup with a touch of humour. CMO Today, their newsletter, consists of marketing, advertising, and industry news sprinkled with jokes and sarcastic quips. With little innovation happening in their industry, they must rely on jokes and humour to jazz up their news. There is only so much […] The post Verasity: Merging the Interests of Digital Advertisers, Publishers and Viewers with Blockchain appeared first on TechBullion. … Read More
Media Protocol: A Safe Home For Content Creators, Publishers and Consumers. There has been a long-term intermediary existing between media creators and consumers or distributors. These intermediaries take the form of media owners, and they do not allow reward go to who it should go to, neither do they allow creators take the r…… Read More
MediaProtocol – Transparent and Secure Ecosystem for content creators, publishers and consumers The Media has always been the power of the selected few. First written by hand, the printing press changed all that. With printing press came publishing houses, that had the connections and the money power to print large quantities of books. In the dig…… Read More