Founded by a team of dedicated professionals from various intellectual fields who share a common goal, the I-CHAIN, a project of Glass Cube Ltd is a platform that aims to revolutionize the entire insurance industry. This is made possible by the implementation of the open source technology, “blockchain” which is highly recognized for its transparency. […]

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Little did we know, our lives would forever change when Uber burst onto the scene in 2009; at the time it was an innovative transportation solution, marking a new era of carpooling. Fast-forward nine years later, and Uber’s presence is ubiquitous across almost every major city on the globe. If you want further proof indicating […]

The post The Blockchain is the Next Phase of the Sharing Economy appeared first on TechBullion.

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I-CHAIN is a blockchain powered insurance platform founded by a team of professionals who would like to bring to the world new advanced insurance solutions. With their different experiences and life paths, they still share a common passion and drive of bringing to the world, a next-generation insurance platform. The CEO Yuriy Mukhin, will be […]

The post I-CHAIN is the “Uber of insurance” Says Yuriy Mukhin, the CEO of I-CHAIN. appeared first on TechBullion.

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Coinbase, ‘s werelds grootste cryptobroker, gaat beginnen met het uitgeven van een digitale cadeaubon. Hierdoor kan er met cryptovaluta’s cadeaukaarten aangekocht worden.
Het bericht Coinbase lanceert crypto cadeaukaart verscheen eerst op Bitcoin Magaz…… Read More

Uber – a name which has made the lives of people a lot easier. And the majority of taxi owners have adapted Uber like app development for their business. If you don’t like to drive in traffic or keep on looking for a suitable parking spot t…… Read More

Mercedes- AMG GT C Roadster (R 190), 2016

Mercedes- AMG GT C Roadster (R 190), 2016Garrett Camp, najznámejší spoluzakladateľ spoločnosti Uber a zakladateľ akciového fondu na podporu akcelerátora nových spoločností [Expa], štartuje ECO – svoju vlastnú kryptomenu. Camp chce, aby to bola globálna kryptomena, ktorá sa dá použiť ako platobný nástroj na každodenné transakcie po celom svete. Ako bude ECO distribuovaná? Na začiatku bude vydaná jedna miliarda tokenov, z ktorých 50 % bude […]

The post Zakladateľ Uberu štartuje novú kryptomenu ECO appeared first on KRYPTOMAGAZIN.

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